Friday, April 4, 2014

Chapter 1,2 and 3 Draft


A Research Paper Presented to
The Faculty of the English Resource Center
Bachelor Arts in Multimedia
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
ERESWRT - Research Writing

Kristopher Allan Dalid

April 2014

 Chapter 1


 A.      Background of the Study

People always wondered why there are many villains in movies and in comic books? All know that their main goal is not good and could lead to destruction, But first lets look back at the history of supervillains and the father of all the villains which is John Devil.

An article by Andrew Paquette Entitled "John Devil" John Devil was a book during the late 60's and it was about a Mysterious faceless crime leader and was called "John Devil" and his evil plot was to use armored warships to free Napoleon and conquer India.

According to Paquette "John Devil will be of special interest to fans of detective stories, crime thrillers, classic mysteries, pulp literature and proto science-fiction("

Whenever the readers hear the word villain, they always think that they are psychopaths, Evil people who want destruction of the world. One example of the famous villain is the Joker. From his looks only, you could already say that he is a psychopathic person .

Villains in the movie based on an article by Nicole Galloway-Miller entitled 'Villains: The Psychopath or Sociopath" Villains in movies are bad guys whom are always hated by movie viewers; they are always being hated by them because of their evil deeds and plans. The villains have Psychological problems one of the main reasons is ASPD or Antisocial Personality Disorder which means that they have mental illness and they are aggressive, But they are very talented and has above average intelligence. That explains why the Joker could come up with very intelligent strategies on trapping the batman. Sociopaths on the other hand have the Jekyll and Hyde characteristics. which means that they are charming and pleasant. But in the inside they are Evil and full of hate.

She stated that "the most interesting type is psychopath is the creative one. Basically, they are con artists. This sociopath fits in well with writers, artists, bohemians and revolutionaries. There, he or she can blend in and seek out victims pretending to be a misunderstood creative genius( ."

Statistically, People hate villains because of the excellent job the writers of the story do. We could not hate a villain that does nothing really dreadful and scary. It was the job of the writers in making them totally evil.

An article of Sam entitled "Why do villains want to destroy everything?" Villains have a different perspective on their mid that they think that is right, for example of this is the iconic Joker. He is a psychotic person that wants to prove that the soul of Gotham is corrupt, Even though it was a false statement, The Joker still continues even though it wasn't real. That goes to show that the villains do something in their mind what is right.

Sam stated that "Villains could still be motivated by simple goals, like mad scientists performing experiments to further their nefarious careers, or corrupt executives screwing over the little people to make more money("

Viewers dont understand the worth of villains and why they are in the movie. But there is a quotation by John Rogers that “You don't really understand an antagonist until you understand why he's a protagonist in his own version of the world.”

An article by  Travis Langley entitled "The psychology of superheroes (and villains)" will help the viewers see the side not only for the hero, but also for the villain. In that article the villains and the heroes are all the same but they have a different mindset. Both hero and villain have the same trait but in that trait they have different perspectives.

Langley stated that "Though identifying with the forces of good is healthier than aligning with evil, this need to dichotomize good and evil may cloud some ways that superheroes and supervillains are actually similar to each other—for example, in their fearlessness and flamboyance. After all, these characters do not simply fight or commit crime. Most fight or commit crime wearing colorful costumes("

In this study, the researcher has observed that the supervillains are more important than the hero, and the villain plays a vital part in the story even though the villain does something bad in the movie that makes the viewer or readers get mad at the villain.

Having background information about supervillains may help the readers and understand the true value of a villain they portay and why they should be respected.

The focus of this paper is to explain the true side of the villain and why they should be admired. This paper will be educational to the readers on why the villains are special and why superhero movies does not go without a villain.

B.      Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question:
1.       Why are villains in the story the most important persons in the movie?

      C.      Significance of the Study

Film Makers. This study would help film makers emphasize the work and effort of being a bad guy and how important they are and maybe someday, they could make the villains their own movies.

Teachers and Professors of Film. Teachers and Professors could benefit from learning this study because they will be able to make use of the information this study would give to them.

Viewers and Readers. To know the true worth and learn how important the villains play in the movie and so that they would not easily judge or criticize the makers of the film.

      D.      Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on how important does the Villain portray In the movie. This will explain all the theories presented in this study that will clarify the significance and worth of Villains that will make them more important than heroes.

      E.       Materials and Methods

The researcher will use an enumeration method on why the Villains are important.

The researcher will also use several online sources as reference to the study that is presented.

      F.       Definition of Terms

Antagonist. An antagonist  is a character, group of characters, or institution that represents the opposition against which the protagonist or protagonists must contend.

Archenemy. An Arch Enemy is the principal enemy of someone or something. In fiction, it is a character who is the hero/protagonist's worst enemy.

Villainvillain is an evil character in a story, whether a historical narrative or, especially, a work of fictiorn.

Chapter 2


What are the things that make the Villain important in movies?

I.) Definition of Villains

Villains are not just characters that are the antagonist and the mastermind of all the evil plans. All they know they have something planned that is not right but people does not really know the true definition a a villain. Villains are people who have something in planned they are person who has goals in life and pursue their goals whatever it takes and what may come their way. They could be a role model in pursuing your goals and striving in earning the achievement. 

There is an article entitled "What Is A Villain?" by Nicholas Clairmont and it is about explain a villain. The villain is the person in which they are the person for example they are the smartest person in the room, they know the rules and regulations more than the others, they also know the consequences and side-effects on what will happen, but still they don't care and would still continue what will they do.

Clairmont stated in his article that "The villain is the person who knows the most but cares the least"(

II.) Types of Villains

There are different types of villains in movies and this paper will present the readers who and what are the types of villains.

A. Two Major Types

People know that there is a Villain that in a point that turned good, and that villain is Loki the Trickster who helped his brother the hero, Thor in a battle against foes that killed his father. There is also a Pure evil psychotic villain and maybe the most famous villain of all time, The Joker a psychopath who his main goal is to put batman in to struggle and that is his only main goal in his evil plans.

According to an article written by Joe Bunting entitled "The 2 Types of Villains (And Why Your Story Needs Them)". There are 2 Types of villains those are the Good, Old Fashion and the Heroic Bad Guys. The Good, Old Fashioned are those who don't care on what they do and also they don't know what are the consequences there are also going to take. While on the other hand the Heroic Bad Guys, Those are the villains that make plans and have heroic goals, but the goals they want to achieve are evil.

Bunting stated in his article is that "A well-written villain can make or break a story, because a hero is only as compelling as the villain he is fighting against. You’re not going to feel too attached to or root that hard for a hero who’s up against a club sandwich with a gun. But if the club sandwich is leading an uprising of all types of sandwiches against the human race for wiping out their kind"(

B. Different Roles of a Villain in a movie.

There are henchmen, there are masterminds and there are super-villains. These are the types of villains we usually see in movies, but , people don't know that there are more types of villains and they have their specific roles in the movies.

There is also another article by Philipp Lenssen entitled "10 Types of Movie Villains" that will help us understand the different types of villains that everyone see's in movies. 

There are 10 types of Villains, The wild beast is like a badass guy in the movie that looks like tarzan and those some bad things. The next type of villain is the The Gentleman Killer, he is a well educated man and you would not recognize he is a villain. Next is the small-time crook, A burglar who does not decide to save a inoccent person. The Supervillain which is well know in superman comics because almost all enemies of superman has. they are always the opposite of the super-hero and mostly have special reasons to hate him. The Psedo-buddy is a villain you wont know he's a bad guy because they are the good guys bestfriend. The nemesis on the other hand is the one who is really the enemy of the hero even without the suits and costumes. The psycho who is famously portrayed by the joker is the person who smiles eventhough he gets beat up. The Gentleman burglar, He’s into stealing jewelry but leaves notes for the good. The nice guy type of burglar is a camoflauge type of villain that would kill you without noticing he was close to you. The last type of villain is The sports villain, totally athlectic and could do martial arts and could fight hand to hand with the hero.

Lenssen stated in the article is that "variants 1-4 will always die at the end. 5 and 6 may die, 7 never does, and 10 mostly only ends up in hospital. 8 and 9 escape to Morocco ("

III.) Factors that make the Villains important

Villains are more important than you think, They play a vital part in the movie than anyone else, Why? because its a superhero movie, It does not mean that the hero is the vital part, It is the villain that makes the hero become the superhero in the movie, That's not all there are more reasons why they are vital or important. 

A. The readers invest their ears to the villain

Whenever viewers and readers hear a villain plan their evil scheme, the readers always listen to the plan of the villain. people tend to listen carefully to what the villain is planning to do and that makes an important factor for the villain that the people awaits the evil plans of the villain that makes them listen carefully on what they do.

There is an article written by Dr. Mark Aaron Humphrey entitled "The Importance Of A Compelling Villain" would explain why people listen attentively to the villain.

The villain plays a vital part on the movie because they are the one which the people  invest their ears and eyes to. The people listen to their evil plans and watch on how they do it. The villains story also is where the movie goes and its the superheroes job is only to stop their plans and which he defeats. Even-though the movie is entitled to the superhero. The villains plots strategies and plans are always shown in the movie.

Dr. Humphrey said that  "Great stories establish all of these things, and sometimes give us a window into why these villains became who they are("

Every good movie also comes a great battle plan of the villain. Stories of the Villain makes them who they are. They wont be that evil if they don't become what they experienced.

B. The Archenemy makes it exciting

Batman and Joker, Spiderman and Venom, Superman and Lex Luthor, and finally Green Lantern and Sinestro. They are all Archenemies to each other. They are the person who gives problems to the heroes. They make the movie or comic exciting because of the action they give to the people. Without them in the movie, there is no thrill the people would experience during the movie because there is no archenemy the hero is going to face.

An article of Jesse Blume entitled "The Importance of the Archenemy" would explain the importance of an archenemy

Archenemy means Great Enemy. from that word alone we all know that the battle will gonna be epic. They've been great enemies since then on, therefore they know each other that their strategies should be so well executed and planned to defeat one another.they’re usually the best ones. They’re an entirely different class than the average foe.

Blume said that "The differences between the hero and the villain must extend further than merely color and costume, however. It must be a part of their psyches("

Viewers should agree on what Blume said because they should don't have the same traits and like for example Batman and Joker. They are archenemies they have a lot of differences from one another so that's why they are great enemies.

C. Their Roles make the movie alive

Villains play a vital role in the Hero movie. They might be the ones who want to destroy the world, but they are the ones who gives life to the movie. They make the movie a one to watch because they are the play makers in the film. Without their moves or actions in the film, there is nothing to watch and the movie would become boring. For example, a superhero movie without a villain? It would sound very boring and wrong because there is no sense for the hero to become one if there is no enemy. Without the villain, the hero will be useless.

An Article by Skyla Dawn Cameron entitled "The Importance of Being a Villain" will tell us the importance of the villain.

The actions and doing of an evil villain makes the story the vital part of the movie. The movie could not go without the villain because the hero would not have a use in the movie if there isn't any thing bad is happening. The villains is the maker of all moves, if there was no move from the villain, there is also no action for the hero. Without the villain, There is no hero. That makes the Villain very important in the movie.

Cameron stated in her article is that "The villain is critical to the story: it's his actions that provide a large part of the external conflict (and possibly the internal conflict as well). If nothing else, your heroine’s victory over a real opponent will deliver more of an impact, than her defeat of a cardboard cutout that was set up just so she could knock it over" (

D. Villains are more Interesting

Villains are more interesting than heroes. People all know that the role of the hero is to save the world, but, what about the villain? The villain is more interesting in which they make their very careful plans tricky and hard to find out. People know that most villains are smart in their plans and they have the most devilish minds and very interesting for the viewers to find out how they would execute their plans neatly and good. They are also more interesting because of how the writers make them, the writers make the villain more tricky and that makes the readers watch more of the villain.

Alana Pedalino wrote an article entitled "Movie villains are more interesting than movie heroes"

Villains nowadays are more charismatic than the heroes and they were made by the filmmakers to be more exciting by rendering them to become more special. Villains are more interesting than heroes because of the effort put in by the writers because they know that the villain plays more than a villain in the movie, better yet, the villain is the savior of the writers because they carry the movie to victory

Alana Pedalino stated in her article is that "We should honor our villains just as much as our noble heroes — perhaps even more, for portraying them carries the additional acting challenge of adopting the mindset of immoral, ruthless, psychologically damaged person"(

Chapter 3



This paper aimed to change the views and opinion of viewers and readers about villains and their true meaning in the movie.

This study about villains revealed the following:

1.People hate villains because of the excellent job the writers of the story do

2.Viewers dont understand the worth of villains and why they are in the movie.

3.Whenever the readers hear the word villain, they always think that they are psychopaths, Evil people who want destruction of the world.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. Because of the Villain, the movie becomes more compelling and exciting.

2.The Villains are more interesting than heroes because of their mischievous tricks that makes them more interesting.

3.The viewers and readers always listen attentively to the plans of the villains and that makes them a vital part in the attention of the people.
4.An Archenemy plays an important part in a movie because of a heated rivalry between him and the hero.


In the light of the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are given:

1. The viewers and readers should start opening their eyes and see the true worth of a villain and even though they don't do any help to the hero, they still helped the writers make the story more better.

2. The Teachers and Professors of film should teach their students the worth and value of the villain so that whenever they would make a movie, they would put more effort in creating a villain than a hero because a villain carries the film to become more compelling.

3. The Film Makers should also learn on why the villains should be more important in making than the hero because without the villain, the hero would become useless in the movie.


A. Electronic Media

Andrew Paquette “John Devil” From

Nicole Galloway-Miller Villains: “The Psychopath or Sociopath” from

Sam “Why do Villains want to destroy everything?” from

Joe Bunting “The 2 Types of Villains (And Why Your Story Needs Them)” from

Philipp Lenssen “10 Types of Movie Villains” from

Dr. Mark Aaron Humphrey “The Importance Of A Compelling Villain” from

Jesse Blume “The Importance of the Archenemy” from

Skyla Dawn Cameron “The Importance of Being a Villain” from

Alana Pedalino “Movie villains are more interesting than movie heroes” from

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blogpost #8 Villains get the Girls

Whenever I remember the movie Megamind a statement always comes to my mind and that is the bad guys always dont get the girl. I probably guess he was wrong. Jack Sparrow is considered a Pirate and Pirates are evil theifs but, Jack Sparrow always have girls chasing him. That why today I will research why do the villains get the girls.

What makes them Attractive

I have read a blog of Kira Ramirez entitled "Why bad guys will always get the girls"

There are characteristic of Villains ladies love, Those are They have a personality,They have high aspirations and pursue them,They don’t let impossible odds stop them from obtaining their goals, The villains let their feelings for their women be known,They make their women feel special, And they want to share their good fortune with the women in their lives. Those are the reasons why they are attractive.

Kira Ramirez stated that "Villains always treat their heroines as if they are one of a kind–which they are."

That statement is true because every girl wants to be treated as a queen and doesn't wanted to be treated as a slave. Whenever girls have that kind of man they would be happy and glad because of how lucky of them to have a man like that characteristics.

They Find it Sexy?

I read an article of MaryAnn Johanson entitled "question of the day: Why do we find villains sexy?"

Women gets a thrill of a bad guy because of their attitude they have a admiration of villains even though the villains are not the quite role models we should follow in our paths. It is the Thrill the women are chasing that makes the scene sexy for the villains and makes the villain sexy. The way the villain does something bad triggers the danger women love to have in a relationship.

Johanson stated that "Does it bother you that you find some very bad people — even if they are only fictional — attractive "

Even though they are fictional and only be seen in movies. Women still find them attractive because of the impact they've done in the movie. Villains are attractive because of what they do such as they're evil plans and what they do for destruction.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Blogpost #7 Disney Villains Better Role Models

Disney made successful movies where Princesses were their main characters. I have watched movies of Disney and most of them are Princesses getting saved by their prince charming. Does it make them a role model to the young children? Today I will research why Disney Villains are better role models than the princesses.

Goal Oriented Villains vs No Goal Princesses

I have read an Article of Katie J.M. Baker entitled "Screw Princesses -- Disney Villains Are the Real Role Models"

The Princesses in Disney movies are all the same. Beautiful Looking and Daddy issues and no long-term goals aside from achieving some freedom by marrying up. Those are not good things that children would follow in the future thinking their Role models are Princesses that does not have specific goals in life. On the other hand are the villains who have goals in life and they do their best in achieving it. 

Baker stated that "Villains are goal-oriented, while princesses are content with a puffball dress and Ken doll beau."

In that statement shows that the villains are more eager in life rather than princesses because they are just waiting for their prince while the villains does a plan and makes it because of their eagerness.

Villains overpowering Princesses

An article of Lauren Martin entitled "Why Disney Villains Are Way Better Role Models Than Disney Princesses For Women" Explains it

The villains in the movies represent the modern women. They are the single, hardworking, somewhat moody and bitter ladies only trying to find their destination in the planet. They have aspirations, goals and dreams, whether or not they are somewhat wicked. The villains have the characteristics of the strive for greatness and glory. these are typically the modern ladies we have. 

Lauren Martin stated that "The Disney Princesses were all only a bunch of entitled socialites obsessed with marrying the initially wealthy man who popped the query." 

That statement is true because we see it in films and that makes them obsessive in marrying. If the children would make them a role model. Does it mean if they find their match at an early age they would follow their models? Their not quite the Models we should follow today. We should become more typical in life to succeed.  

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blogpost #6 Villains are psychopaths

Whenever we hear the word villain, We always know that they are psychopaths, Evil people who want destruction of the world. One example of the famous villain is the Joker. From his looks only, you could already say that he is a psychopathic person. I have read his back story on why he became the joker that isn't really funny because there is not a thing funny when it comes to destroying the world. He was a successful engineer who work for a chemical company which quitted his job for his passion in life, which is to be a comedian. When he became unsuccessful in his comedy, he was desperate to help two criminals to break inside his former job company. When they were confronted by batman and he fell into a pool of chemicals and when he got out his face was white and his hair was dyed green which totally insane and that makes him who he is now. Today I will research why Villains are usually psychopaths.

Psychology of a Villain
I have read an article by Nicole Galloway-Miller entitled 'Villains: The Psychopath or Sociopath"

The villains have Psychological problems one of the main reasons is ASPD or Antisocial Personality Disorder which means that they have mental illness and they are aggressive, But they are very talented and has above average intelligence. That explains why the Joker could come up with very intelligent strategies on trapping the batman. Sociopaths on the other hand have the Jekyll and Hyde characteristics. which means that they are charming and pleasant. but in the inside they are Evil and full of hate. One example of the villain is Smeagol, He is cute outside but very devilish inside.

Nicole Galloway Miller stated that "the most interesting type is psychopath is the creative one. Basically, they are con artists. This sociopath fits in well with writers, artists, bohemians and revolutionaries. There, he or she can blend in and seek out victims pretending to be a misunderstood creative genius."

I could not help to agree on what she said because it is really true that creative villains are the most misunderstood by their most evil plans that could possibly work by his/her ingeniousness in making plans.

Are they Realistic?

I read an article of Susan Perry entitled "Why psychopathic film villains are rarely realistic — and why it matters''

There could be a possible realistic Villain. We all know that we have our inner villain inside. One example of a realistic villain is the Gordon Gekko from Wall Street. He is probably one of the most interesting, manipulative, psychopathic fictional characters to date. there could be a possible psychopathic villain living in other ways possible aside from killing people.

Ms. Perry stated that “Realistic fictional psychopathic characters do exist,” they conclude, “but they are in the minority.”

There are people that live today who are psychopaths but we dont know them inside. maybe they have the Jekyll and Hyde characteristics which most evil does have.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blogpost #5 Importance of a Villain

We all know that a Great Superhero comes a Great Villain in the movie. They give problems on how to inflict pain on the Hero and defeat him. A villain is a vital part of the movie because, if there are no villains in a superhero movie, who is the one he will defeat? who will he save? Today I will research why are villains important in the movie

Why are they Important

I have read an article of Dr. Mark Aaron Humphrey entitled "THE IMPORTANCE OF A COMPELLING VILLAIN"

The villain plays a vital part on the movie because they are the one which we invest are ears and eyes to. We listen to their evil plans and watch on how they do it. The villains story also is where the movie goes and its the superheroes job is only to stop their plans and which he defeats. Even-though the movie is entitled to the superhero. The villains plots strategies and plans are always shown in the movie.

Dr. Humphrey said that  "Great stories establish all of these things, and sometimes give us a window into why these villains became who they are"

Every good movie also comes a great battle plan of the villain. Stories of the Villain makes them who they are. They wont be that evil if they don't become what they experienced

The Archenemy

I have read an article of Jesse Blume entitled "The Importance of the Archenemy"

Archenemy means Great Enemy. from that word alone we all know that the battle will gonna be epic. They've been great enemies since then on, therefore they know each other that their strategies should be so well executed and planned to defeat one another.they’re usually the best ones. They’re an entirely different class than the average foe.

Blume said that "The differences between the hero and the villain must extend further than merely color and costume, however. It must be a part of their psyches."

I agree on what Blume said because they should don't have the same traits and like for example Batman and Joker. They are archenemies they have a lot of differences from one another so that's why they are great enemies.

Villain plays a vital role in the Hero movie. They might be the ones who want to destroy the world, but they are the ones who gives life to the movie.

Blogpost #4 Why Villains always LOSE

I always wonder why do bad guys always lose and the good guys always get the girl? Isn't it quite stereotypical that the villains in movies are overpowering the superhero at the start but in the end they always get defeated. I know it is scripted but, I want to know the mindset why they always lose. I will research about why supervillains always lose in a battle against a superhero.

Scientific Reason?

I have read an article "The Scientific Reason SuperVillains Always Lose" By Colin Schultz

Nutrient Deficiency. their Diets, short in fresh fruits,vegetables and affinity for dark places that leads them to the shortage of vitamin D are their main problem why they don't win fights against the good guys. Vitamin D supports calcium metabolism that could prevent them by bone problems. One example of it is Golum from the movie Lord of the Rings. He's lacking Vitamin D so thats why he was easily defeated in the movie.

According to Schultz "So, when push comes to shove a veteran goblin may be bested by a fresh-faced hobbit not because of the halfling's prowess in battle, but by the goblin's advanced musculoskeletal decay."

I   believed on what he said because what he said was true and scientific therefore his arguments are valid and correct.

Female Villains are always defeated

I read an article of Tekanji entitled "Female Villains Can't Win"

Some of the Female villains are not sexually attractive, That is one reason why they get defeated. The superhero easily defeats the female villain because he is not attracted to her. Also one part is their armor. We all know female villains don't have much armor to put in their body so that's why they could easily be killed in a battle against the good guy

Tekaji said that "Despite neither of the female villains being the “evil hot babe[s] we’ve grown accustomed to in the role playing genre”, the contrast between their stances and that of the male villain are striking."

A male villain is more striking to us viewers because they have the characteristics of a real villain but women? I don't quite think they want to rule the world.

Blogpost #3 Why Loki is more popular than thor?

                      I have watched the movie Thor the Dark World and in the movie Loki was more recognized rather than Thor. A bad guy over powering the superhero in terms of fans. Is it because for once in the movie Loki became a good guy but in the end he still tricked his brother? Today I will research why most viewers prefer to idolize Loki rather the main star of the movie Thor.

Why fans love Loki more than Thor
I have read an article "‘Thor: The Dark World’: Why fans love Loki more than Thor" by Sophia Jacobbs

I Learned that since the start of The Avengers movie and the preview Thor the dark world, Loki was already drawing attention from the viewers. Fans love Loki because you see both parts of Loki. The vulnerability and the violence sometimes shows in the same scene.

Unlike Thor, who is a very strong warrior, Loki not only executes evil agendas. He believes he is the one at odds with the world. We relate with Loki on what he feels and just like him, We could relate on what he is experiencing

According to Jacobbs "In five minutes, Loki can make you feel sympathy mixed with dread. Hiddleston is able to balance both extremes to create a pitiable and weak god that we can all, in some small way, feel for."

I certainly agree on what she said because Loki could make us feel what he wants us to know because of his
similarities just like us.

Loki More Popular?

In my opinion, Loki is more popular than Thor because of his role in the movie that all could relate, But I still read an article by Brigid Brown entitled "Is Loki More Popular than Thor?"

Even the actor of Loki was surprise of the fast arising popularity of his character. The fans didn't idolize the actor, but they idolize the character and its attitude. Loki's mischievous was a big factor on his popularity to.

Brigid Brown said "We suspect his popularity is a result of a combination of Hiddleston’s charm, mixed with Loki’s mischievous ways. Oh, and well, the impersonations of course."

That is also one reason why Loki is popular. The connection of the actor and the character. They both match the personalities and made a perfect match

Loki is a successful Villain for me because it caught the attention of the audiences and he made a big impact by dethroning Thor by most popular in the movie.