Saturday, March 1, 2014

Blogpost #7 Disney Villains Better Role Models

Disney made successful movies where Princesses were their main characters. I have watched movies of Disney and most of them are Princesses getting saved by their prince charming. Does it make them a role model to the young children? Today I will research why Disney Villains are better role models than the princesses.

Goal Oriented Villains vs No Goal Princesses

I have read an Article of Katie J.M. Baker entitled "Screw Princesses -- Disney Villains Are the Real Role Models"

The Princesses in Disney movies are all the same. Beautiful Looking and Daddy issues and no long-term goals aside from achieving some freedom by marrying up. Those are not good things that children would follow in the future thinking their Role models are Princesses that does not have specific goals in life. On the other hand are the villains who have goals in life and they do their best in achieving it. 

Baker stated that "Villains are goal-oriented, while princesses are content with a puffball dress and Ken doll beau."

In that statement shows that the villains are more eager in life rather than princesses because they are just waiting for their prince while the villains does a plan and makes it because of their eagerness.

Villains overpowering Princesses

An article of Lauren Martin entitled "Why Disney Villains Are Way Better Role Models Than Disney Princesses For Women" Explains it

The villains in the movies represent the modern women. They are the single, hardworking, somewhat moody and bitter ladies only trying to find their destination in the planet. They have aspirations, goals and dreams, whether or not they are somewhat wicked. The villains have the characteristics of the strive for greatness and glory. these are typically the modern ladies we have. 

Lauren Martin stated that "The Disney Princesses were all only a bunch of entitled socialites obsessed with marrying the initially wealthy man who popped the query." 

That statement is true because we see it in films and that makes them obsessive in marrying. If the children would make them a role model. Does it mean if they find their match at an early age they would follow their models? Their not quite the Models we should follow today. We should become more typical in life to succeed.  

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