Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blogpost #8 Villains get the Girls

Whenever I remember the movie Megamind a statement always comes to my mind and that is the bad guys always dont get the girl. I probably guess he was wrong. Jack Sparrow is considered a Pirate and Pirates are evil theifs but, Jack Sparrow always have girls chasing him. That why today I will research why do the villains get the girls.

What makes them Attractive

I have read a blog of Kira Ramirez entitled "Why bad guys will always get the girls"

There are characteristic of Villains ladies love, Those are They have a personality,They have high aspirations and pursue them,They don’t let impossible odds stop them from obtaining their goals, The villains let their feelings for their women be known,They make their women feel special, And they want to share their good fortune with the women in their lives. Those are the reasons why they are attractive.

Kira Ramirez stated that "Villains always treat their heroines as if they are one of a kind–which they are."

That statement is true because every girl wants to be treated as a queen and doesn't wanted to be treated as a slave. Whenever girls have that kind of man they would be happy and glad because of how lucky of them to have a man like that characteristics.

They Find it Sexy?

I read an article of MaryAnn Johanson entitled "question of the day: Why do we find villains sexy?"

Women gets a thrill of a bad guy because of their attitude they have a admiration of villains even though the villains are not the quite role models we should follow in our paths. It is the Thrill the women are chasing that makes the scene sexy for the villains and makes the villain sexy. The way the villain does something bad triggers the danger women love to have in a relationship.

Johanson stated that "Does it bother you that you find some very bad people — even if they are only fictional — attractive "

Even though they are fictional and only be seen in movies. Women still find them attractive because of the impact they've done in the movie. Villains are attractive because of what they do such as they're evil plans and what they do for destruction.

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