Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blogpost #4 Why Villains always LOSE

I always wonder why do bad guys always lose and the good guys always get the girl? Isn't it quite stereotypical that the villains in movies are overpowering the superhero at the start but in the end they always get defeated. I know it is scripted but, I want to know the mindset why they always lose. I will research about why supervillains always lose in a battle against a superhero.

Scientific Reason?

I have read an article "The Scientific Reason SuperVillains Always Lose" By Colin Schultz

Nutrient Deficiency. their Diets, short in fresh fruits,vegetables and affinity for dark places that leads them to the shortage of vitamin D are their main problem why they don't win fights against the good guys. Vitamin D supports calcium metabolism that could prevent them by bone problems. One example of it is Golum from the movie Lord of the Rings. He's lacking Vitamin D so thats why he was easily defeated in the movie.

According to Schultz "So, when push comes to shove a veteran goblin may be bested by a fresh-faced hobbit not because of the halfling's prowess in battle, but by the goblin's advanced musculoskeletal decay."

I   believed on what he said because what he said was true and scientific therefore his arguments are valid and correct.

Female Villains are always defeated

I read an article of Tekanji entitled "Female Villains Can't Win"

Some of the Female villains are not sexually attractive, That is one reason why they get defeated. The superhero easily defeats the female villain because he is not attracted to her. Also one part is their armor. We all know female villains don't have much armor to put in their body so that's why they could easily be killed in a battle against the good guy

Tekaji said that "Despite neither of the female villains being the “evil hot babe[s] we’ve grown accustomed to in the role playing genre”, the contrast between their stances and that of the male villain are striking."

A male villain is more striking to us viewers because they have the characteristics of a real villain but women? I don't quite think they want to rule the world.

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