Thursday, February 13, 2014

Blogpost #2 Movies Starring Villains?

Villains having their own Movie? Im not quite sure why not. After making an article why they are love. Then if the people love the bad guys, why not making them their own movie? Today I will research why a Villain Movie could be a good success. On my own opinion a movie starring a villain in another movie could be a blockbuster. Villains being the main part of the story could sound a bit weird but it would kinda work. I will research why having a Movie starring a villain could actually work.

Would it work?

I have read an article of Steve Tilley entitled: "Do comic book villains deserve their own movies?"

On that article I learned that sony pictures will produce 2 other sequels of Spider-man but it would be not spiderman who would lead in the movie, it would be Venom and Sinister Six. For me it will be
interesting to know what would be their plot on making the movie possible and so I learned that the sympathy of the villain we will see and its back-story would carry the movie to make it an awesome one. If the villain sequel would possibly work there will be many other Villain Movies that would touch our hearts on why they would like to conquer the world. They deserve their own movie because on how they represent themselves on their past movie.

Tilley stated that "With the right script and casting, it could be very fun to watch the interplay among a group of six bad guys working together. But what a tricky balancing act that would be to pull off."

I agree with Tilley because the only key to make the movie work is teamwork on the right decisions to apply to the audience that the star of the movie is the bad guy in the story.

Can a Villain movie work?

I have read an article by Daniel Bettridge entitled "Why comic-book villains deserve their own movies"

Superheroes in movies are predictable in every single way they do. They have a routine in the movie which is saving the world and defeating the villain. But, In a villain movie is unpredictable, you wouldn't know what would happen. Villains have different types of back story and why did they became villains what will the ending could be? a Villain movie could work because I will be an exciting and unpredictable movie just like a back and forth prediction on what would happen during the movie if the
bad guy would have a change of hearts and become a good guy just for an example in the spider-man movie where green goblin was the bad guy became the bad guy and became good when he help spider-man defeat his enemies.

Bettridge said that "We all expect superheroes to act in a certain way, which means that writers are often painted into a corner, forced to peddle banal stories about saving the day and getting the girl while simultaneously standing for truth, justice, and the American way. The best writers find ways to innovate, circumvent, or subvert these tropes, but they can never change the basic arc of a superhero story."

There is one statement that would tell us that there is a possibility that a villain movie could be a good  be possible by the predictability of hero movies.

Every good hero comes a great villain. If the hero has a movie, why not also the villain who always gives a challenge to the hero? A movie starring villains? It is certainly possible.

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